International Criminal Law can be defined as that branch of the international legal system whose function is protection.
of the most important legal assets of the international social order against the most serious forms of aggression.
This is achieved through regulations aimed at individuals, the violation of which generates their individual criminal responsibility in international law.
We are international
At TCM Legal Services we collaborate in the defense of Spanish or foreign citizens, whether they are on provisional release or in preventive detention, with important law firms in the world: America, Africa and the Middle East.
Our lawyers who are experts in International Criminal Law will advise you on the prohibition of certain categories of conduct considered serious crimes.
Given the seriousness of the crimes, our office responds to people who are involved in an international procedure such as European Arrest and Surrender Orders, extraditions or requests for asylum and refuge.

We have lawyers who have the European lawyer’s card. With which we can identify the status of a lawyer in another Member State of the European Union, so that we can access courts and prisons. “ In accordance with European legislation on free establishment and free provision of services by lawyers .”
What is the first thing I have to do when I have committed a crime?
When you need the legal services of a lawyer, several circumstances must be taken into account. The main one is to identify which branch of Law manages the specific case. In this way it will be possible to know if it is necessary to hire a general lawyer or a specialized one.
There is no doubt that when it comes to Criminal Law, it is essential to opt for a Criminal Law lawyer. This will be much more up to date on criminal regulations.
What is the classification of criminal offenses in our Legal System?
The Penal Code in article 13 distinguishes three types of crimes:
- Serious crimes: Infractions for which the Law provides a serious penalty are included, for example: human trafficking, murder, etc.
- Less serious crimes: These are those sanctioned with less serious penalties, for example, the crime of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
- Minor crimes: These are those punished with light penalties, for example, light coercion.
What are the criminal offenses according to their consummation?
- Instant crimes
- Permanent crimes
- Crimes of habit
- Continued crimes
- Fragrant crimes
- Related crimes
What are the penalties associated with the commission of a crime?
The penalty is the legal consequence associated with the perpetration of the crime, that is, the penalty is imposed because the crime has been committed. Based on criminal laws, there are different types of penalties.
Types of penalties:
Deprivation of liberty sentences:
- Reviewable permanent prison sentence.
- Imprisonment.
- Permanent location penalty.
Penalties depriving of rights:
- Absolute disqualification.
- Disqualification from public office employment.
- Disqualification for the right to passive suffrage.
- Disqualification for profession, trade, industry or commerce.
- Disqualification from the exercise of parental authority, guardianship, conservatorship, guard or foster care.
- Suspension from public office.
- Deprivation of the right to drive.
- Deprivation of the right to own and carry weapons.
- Deprivation of the right to reside or go to certain places.
- Deprivation of approaching or communicating with the victim or other people determined by the judge.
Fine penalty.
Penalties applicable to legal entities.
What are the main branches of Criminal Law?
Within Criminal Law, there are some specialties that due to their magnitude have been separated from criminal law in general. They belong to other fields, but, since they have criminal responsibility, they can be included within this branch:
- Economic criminal law.
- International criminal law.