TCM LEGAL was born from the convergence of the human and professional trajectories of a group of lawyers who are highly committed both in the practice of their profession and in the personalised care of each of their cases. The result of this is the formation of a multidisciplinary team, specialised in Criminal Law, International Criminal Law and Commercial Law.

At the head of the firm, as Managing Partner, is Ruperto Guerra Bermúdez, a renowned Doctor in Law and specialist in the area of Economic Criminal Law. His prestige has led him to be commissioned by the former largest investment fund in Russia, Hermitage Capital Management, to lead the ‘Hermitage case’ in Spain (also known as the ‘Magnitsky case’). An international money laundering scheme, with ramifications in Russia, Spain and the USA, among others, and whose transcendence has led to regulatory changes in both the USA and Europe. The international aspect of the firm comes from the operations of its main clients. For which it has highly trusted collaborating offices in various jurisdictions, such as the US, the UK, Mexico and Colombia.